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Minutes, July 11, 2007


A regular meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority was (SRA) held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 6:00 p.m

Roll Call
Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were present: Conrad Baldini, Michael Brennan, Michael Connelly, Robert Mitnik and Russell Vickers.  Also present was Kirsten Kinzer, CDBG Planner and Andrea Bray, Clerk.

Chairperson Brennan calls the meeting to order.

Redevelopment Project Review

1.  50 St. Peter Street (Old Salem Jail) – Discussion and vote on deed and transfer of title

Kinzer states that New Boston Ventures is having technical issues in the closing process and they are requesting a one month extension, which would move the final closing date to August 17, 2007.  She adds that all of the subsequent deadlines would be extended as follows: submittal for building permit by September 14, commencement of construction by October 24 and completion of construction by October 26, 2009. Kinzer states that this will allow time for the final review of the deed.

Baldini:        Motion to extent the closing date until August 17, 2007, seconded by Connelly.  (Passes 5-0)

2.  32 Derby Square (Old Town Hall) – Discussion of Old Town Hall Reuse RFP

Kinzer presents a portion of the RFP and states that she will email the full RFP and await any comments from the Commission.  She adds the one of the most important sections is the “Project Goals and Objectives” section and she reads this section.  She explains that the “Scope” section defines the limitations on the property.

Mitnik states that the tone of the criteria looks as if the City is looking for money for major capital improvements and not a use which will bring vitality to the site.  Brennan suggests adding more goals in order to reduce the emphasis on seeking funds.

Brennan states that section IV part C appears as if the City is seeking only non-profits.  Kinzer agrees to look into amending this section.

Development Project Review

3.  275-281 Essex Street (CF Tompkins Building) – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for proposed Final Design Plans.

Attorney Jacob Segal states that he is representing the project while Attorney George Atkins is on vacation.

Kinzer states that this project was review by the DRB and she distributes their recommendations which include:

§       Final construction drawings shall be reviewed by the DRB.
§       If new brick is required, the selected brick shall be reviewed by the DRB.
§       A horizontal sign band shall be added to the building elevation in the expression of the original design, to better divide the retail and residential portions of the building.
§       Pending review of the horizontal sign band in the final construction drawings, retail signage shall be located in the sign band.
§       Only approval of the second floor location and vertical orientation of the residential project name signage is recommended. The final design of this signage shall be reviewed by the DRB.
§       The retail entry shall be revised.

Architect Kieth Musinski explains that the name of the building will be on both sides of the corner of the building.  He adds that rather than have individual signs along the building, there would be a horizontal sign band above the storefront windows.

Kinzer states that the first floor commercial spaces are to be designated specifically for use as retail or restaurant space, not as office space.  She recommends that the approval contain language to this effect.

Mitnik: Motion to approve this application subject to the DRB’s recommendations provided the first floor commercial space will be used only for retail/restaurant space, seconded by Vickers.  (Passes 5-0)

4.  93 Washington Street (City Hall) – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for amendment to approved Final Design Plans.

Kinzer introduces architect John Seger and states that this project was reviewed at the DRB who recommended approval with the following conditions:
§       Final construction drawings shall be reviewed by the DRB.
§       The final color selection shall be reviewed by the DRB.
§       Accessible entrance and emergency exit signage design and location shall be reviewed by the DRB.
§       The direction of the exterior door swing shall be reversed.
§       The back of the proposed heating element shall not be visible from the exterior of the addition.
§       The fascia shall stop at the edge of the existing building line.

Baldini states that he likes the idea of having this vestibule lit at night.

Mitnik expresses concern about the lack of a door from the vestibule to the existing building because of the potential energy issue.

Kinzer states that the front door will contain a sign which directs people to the handicapped entrance in the back and there will also be an inscription in brail.

Brennan expresses concern with the slippery tile on the floor.  He suggests using a scratch mat as a safety precaution.

Connelly:       Motion to approve the design with the DRB’s recommendations provided there be a door between the vestibule and the existing building and a scratch mat be installed as a safety precaution, seconded by Vickers.  (Passes 5-0)

Small Project Review

5.  217-221 Essex Street (The Gathering and Digital Imaging Inc.) – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for proposed rear egress door.

Kinzer states that the DRB recommends approval with a suggestion that a concrete cap be added to the top of the door.  She adds that the door will be slightly recessed to match the arch.

Baldini:        Motion to approve this design with the DRB’s recommendation, seconded by Mitnik.  (Passes 5-0)

6.  157 Washington Street (Passage to India) – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for proposed building alterations.

Kinzer states that the DRB recommends approval with a condition that the new entryway match the existing two entryways exactly.

Connelly:       Motion to approve this design with the DRB’s recommendation, seconded by Mitnik.  (Passes 5-0)

Outdoor Café Permit Review

7.  157 Washington Street ( Passage to India) – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for proposed outdoor café.

Kinzer states that the DRB recommended but approval expressed concern about adding the trees on the island because they might block the view of the buildings and they may not grow well in that area.  She adds that the DRB recommends that the trees either have a high canopy or be smaller and that they be able to thrive in the island.  Kinzer says that the DRB recommends approve of all of the café furniture.

Owner Hugh Kerr provides specifications for the trees to be installed and states that they will be appropriate for this site because of their high canopy and they were specifically selected as trees which will thrive at this location.

Mitnik suggests adding a new tree in front of the Edgewater where a tree was cut down and the members agree.

Vickers:        Motion to approve this design with the DRB’s recommendations, seconded by Baldini.  (Passes 5-0)

8.  118 Washington Street Rear (Upper Crust Pizza) – discussion of proposed outdoor café.

Kinzer explains that this will be the newest café on Lappin Park adjacent to the Gulu Gulu Café.  

Owner Michael Buchhalter states that the Beer/Wine license was approved by the local licensing board.  He adds that the furniture will be the same as that used at the Gulu Gulu Café.

Mitnik expresses concern about the shortage of pedestrian space.

Baldini:        Motion to send this design to the DRB and request that they ensure that there is enough room for pedestrians to pass without walking on the grass, seconded by Mitnik.  (Passes 5-0)

Other Project Review

9.  Downtown Salem – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for proposed bike racks.

Kinzer states that the DRB approved the bike rack concept in general but recommended taking 5 racks off of the plan and adding 4 new racks to existing locations.  

Mitniks:        Motion to approve this plan with the DRB’s recommendations, seconded by Vickers.  (Passes 5-0)

Sign Review

10.  24 New Derby Street, Stall 1 (Artists Row) – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for proposed signage.

Kinzer states that this sign is for SASS:C and is a stained glass sign.  She adds that the DRB recommends approval.

Connelly:       Motion to approve this sign design, seconded by Vickers.  (Passes 5-0)

11.  24 New Derby Street, Stall 4 (Artists Row) – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for proposed signage.

Kinzer states that this sign is for the Experimental Art Studio and the DRB recommends approval.

Baldini:        Motion to approve this sign design, seconded by Mitnik.  (Passes 5-0)

12.  24 New Derby Street, Stall 5 (Artists Row) – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for proposed signage.

Kinzer states that this sign is for the North East Cabana which makes and sells skateboards and the DRB recommends approval.  She adds that the sign is a skateboard and the wheels are made of blown glass.

Mitnik: Motion to approve this sign design, seconded by Vickers.  (Passes 5-0)

13.  178 Essex Street (Salem Oriental Gallery) – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for proposed signage.

Kinzer states that this site is located on the pedestrian mall facing out of the museum mall.  She adds that the DRB has recommended approval after working with the applicant to add some three dimensionality to the sign.

Vickers:        Motion to approve this sign design, seconded by Baldini.  (Passes 5-0)

14.  180 Essex Street (Bewitched in Salem) – Discussion and vote on DRB recommendation for proposed signage.

Kinzer states that this is right next door to the Salem Oriental Gallery and this has white raised letters with a black background.  She adds that the DRB recommends approval after working with the applicant to add some three dimensionality to the sign.

Vickers:        Motion to approve this sign design, seconded by Baldini.  (Passes 5-0)

15.  1 New Liberty Street

Kinzer states that the Mayor has requested that three vertical banners be displayed which would be similar in size to the PEM banners.  She adds that the banners are intended to mark “Parking”, “Shopping” and the “Cinema”. She states that it is the Mayor’s desire to install these banners as soon as possible and asks the SRA to grant approval on the conditional of the DRB’s approval.  

Brennan states that the SRA will always support the Mayor.

Connelly:       Motion to accept the recommendation of the Mayor and approve the banners on the condition of the DRB’s approval, seconded by Mitnik.  (Passes 5-0)

Connelly:       Motion to adjourn, seconded by Vickers.  (Passes 5-0)

The meeting is adjourned at 7:15 p.m.